Selasa, 26 Februari 2013
Harvard-IAKMI Tawarkan Beasiswa Kesehatan Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih
Jakarta, Salah satu perguruan tinggi terkemuka di dunia, Harvard University, bekerja sama dengan Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI) dan Kementerian Kesehatan RI menyelenggarakan program beasiswa bernama Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih Scholarship Program (ERS-SP).
Program ini diselenggarakan sebagai wujud penghormatan terhadap mantan Menteri Kesehatan RI, Almarhumah Dr. Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, dr, MPH, Dr.PH karena integritasnya dalam memajukan kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia.
Bidang yang ditawarkan dalam ERS-SP ini adalah bidang kesehatan masyarakat yang diprioritaskan pada pengembangan promotif dan preventif Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicine (TCAM), penyakit tidak menular yang juga dikaitkan dengan Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), pembiayaan kesehatan yang adil, kesehatan global dan pengembangan upaya hidup sehat.
Tak hanya itu, kesempatan beasiswa untuk bidang lain juga masih terbuka di masa depan. Menurut rilis yang diterima detikHealth, Selasa (17/7/2012), ERS-SP bersifat independen, tidak terikat pada universitas atas beasiswa tertentu dan akan dikelola oleh sekretariat yang dibentuk IAKMI. IAKMI akan bertanggung jawab terhadap laporan tahunan yang menjelaskan siapa saja penerima beasiswa dan output yang dihasilkan.
Program beasiswa ini didanai melalui 3 metode, yaitu program langsung dari Harvard University melalui HENRI Program, donasi langsung khusus untuk ERS-Scholarship Program yang dikelola oleh IAKMI dan pendapatan dari sumbangan yang dikelola oleh IAKMI. Sekretariat ERS-Scholarship akan bertanggungjawab dalam pendanaan program dan menyesuaikannya kepada penerima.
Sampai saat ini, telah diseleksi 8 orang penerima beasiswa atau Harvard Fellows untuk mendalami kebijakan kesehatan Indonesia selama 6 minggu di Harvard School of Public Health mulai awal Juli 2012. Kesemua penerima ini wajib menyusun 2 manuskrip tentang kebijakan kesehatan di Indonesia. Penyusunan manuskrip tersebut dilakukan dengan koordinasi dan dibawah bimbingan Kemenkes dan jajaran terkait.
Manuskrip yang sudah disusun akan disajikan pada bulan September 2012 dalam Lokakarya Nasional Kebijakan Kesehatan. Lokakarya tersebut diharapkan akan menghasilkan opsi kebijakan kesehatan di masa mendatang. Acara ini rencananya akan menghadirkan lembaga donor, akademisi, praktisi, peneliti dan para pemangku kepentingan lainnya.
Kedelapan penerima beasiswa atau Harvard Fellows ERS-Scholarship 2012 adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Suparmi, Msc, dari Badan Litbangkes Kemenkes RI
2. Christiana R Titaley, DDS, MPH, PhD dari Universitas Indonesia
3. Dwi Gayatri, DDS, MPH dari Universitas Indonesia
4. Anna Vipta Resti Mauludyani, MSc dari Institut Pertanian Bogor
5. Rizanda Machmud, MD, MPH, DrPH dari Universitas Andalas
6. Defriman Djafri, MPH, PhD.c dari Universitas Andalas
7. Lina Rospita, MSc, dari SEAMEO-RECFON/U
8. Rina Agustina MD, Msc, dari SEAMEO-RECFON/U
Lowongan USAID Vacancy Public Health Monitoring Coordinator
Lowongan Kerja USAID Indonesia
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Health Office based in Jakarta is recruiting Indonesian
Nationals for the position of PUBLIC HEALTH ASSISTANT (Post Code:
HLTH). Salary starts from Rp.7,647,392 per month depending on
qualifications, experience and salary history.

This position serves as a Public Health Monitoring Coordinator for the Health Office. Under the direct supervision of the USAID Office of Health Director or his/her designee, serves as primary officer responsible for monitoring and reporting across the entire health portfolio, including meeting reporting requirements for the Global Health Initiative (GHI), the Health program’s program monitoring plan (PMP) and FACTS and/or other Agency database reporting system, as well as supporting the HIV/AIDS team for required reporting for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).
This position serves as a key management and administration specialist with an emphasis on monitoring and evaluation activities and will have primary responsibility for the coordination of reporting requirements across the Office of Health and significant responsibility for strategic information components required by the GHI. In addition, this position will be an active member of the maternal/child health technical team, providing program support to that team as well as support for other cross-cutting requirements for the office.

This position serves as a Public Health Monitoring Coordinator for the Health Office. Under the direct supervision of the USAID Office of Health Director or his/her designee, serves as primary officer responsible for monitoring and reporting across the entire health portfolio, including meeting reporting requirements for the Global Health Initiative (GHI), the Health program’s program monitoring plan (PMP) and FACTS and/or other Agency database reporting system, as well as supporting the HIV/AIDS team for required reporting for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).
This position serves as a key management and administration specialist with an emphasis on monitoring and evaluation activities and will have primary responsibility for the coordination of reporting requirements across the Office of Health and significant responsibility for strategic information components required by the GHI. In addition, this position will be an active member of the maternal/child health technical team, providing program support to that team as well as support for other cross-cutting requirements for the office.
At a minimum, applicant must have the following:
1. Completion of university degree in or a combination of accounting, liberal arts, management, health, business, administration or social science or related field is required.
2. Three years of work experience with progressive responsibility in international development or related program management, preferable in health. Familiarization with health specific reporting requirements strongly preferred.
3. Level III (Good working knowledge) in English and Level IV (Fluent) in Bahasa Indonesia.
At a minimum, applicant must have the following:
1. Completion of university degree in or a combination of accounting, liberal arts, management, health, business, administration or social science or related field is required.
2. Three years of work experience with progressive responsibility in international development or related program management, preferable in health. Familiarization with health specific reporting requirements strongly preferred.
3. Level III (Good working knowledge) in English and Level IV (Fluent) in Bahasa Indonesia.
In addition to the above criteria relating to education, experience, and language proficiency, the following criteria will also be used to evaluate applicants:
1. Must Have computer skills in Microsoft Office Programs and Internet.
2. Must be able to travel outside of Jakarta periodically including as frequently as once a month or every 2 months if required.
3. Must have knowledge of the concepts, principles, techniques and practices of program management skills, including experience managing activities, schedules, and project implementation and monitoring/evaluation.
Only short listed candidates will be notified for test and interview.
In addition to the above criteria relating to education, experience, and language proficiency, the following criteria will also be used to evaluate applicants:
1. Must Have computer skills in Microsoft Office Programs and Internet.
2. Must be able to travel outside of Jakarta periodically including as frequently as once a month or every 2 months if required.
3. Must have knowledge of the concepts, principles, techniques and practices of program management skills, including experience managing activities, schedules, and project implementation and monitoring/evaluation.
Only short listed candidates will be notified for test and interview.
Send letter of application, complete resume in English and
supporting documents (in Microsoft Word document format)
& please put the post code : HLTH on the subject of your
email to: Please Login or Register to apply this job online. or fax to: 021-3860336. USAID Website:
Info Lowongan Kerja USAID lainnya.
supporting documents (in Microsoft Word document format)
& please put the post code : HLTH on the subject of your
email to: Please Login or Register to apply this job online. or fax to: 021-3860336. USAID Website:
Info Lowongan Kerja USAID lainnya.
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